English: A distribution map of the historical and extant populations of the plains rat within Australia. This map includes the plain rat's predicted extant distribution (1980-2018) and historical distribution (pre-1980). It also provides the specific locations of sub-fossil bone material and the locations of individuals recorded outside of the predicted extant distribution (1963-2018).
Navy blue: Accepted extant distribution (post-1980)
Light blue: Accepted historical distribution (pre-1980)
Orange dots: Locations of discovered sub-fossil bone material
Green dots: Locations of individuals recorded outside of the accepted extant distribution (1993-2018)
Atlas of Living Australia. (2018). Pseudomys australis. Retrieved from https://bie.ala.org.au/species/urn:lsid:biodiversity.org.au:afd.taxon:87497f45-a52b-4ee2-9472-8566cfdce22a#overview
Dickman, C. R. (1993). The biology and management of native rodents of the arid zone in NSW. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service: Hurstville.
Leggett, K. E. A., Welaratne, T., Letnic, M., McLeod, S., & Dawson, T. (2017). Rediscovery of the plains mouse (Pseudomys australis) (Rodentia: Muridae) in New South Wales. Australian Mammalogy, 40(1). doi: 10.1071/AM16046
Moseby, K. (2012) National Recovery Plan for the Plains Mouse Pseudomys australis. Adelaide: Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources.
Van Dyck, S., Gynther, I., & Baker, A. (2013). Field companion guide to the mammals of Australia (2nd.ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Woinarski, J. C. Z., Burbridge, A.A., & Harrison, P. L. (2014). The action plan for Australian mammals 2012. Collingwood: CSIRO Publishing.